Discover a collaborative path with Brooks at Foland Mediation Services.


Smart. Hardworking. Impartial. Friendly.

Conflict is inevitable. While conflict can be costly and sometimes destructive, conflict can also be a catalyst for progress and growth. Mediation offers an alternative approach to navigating conflict in a collaborative and confidential way. Brooks uses his experience, training and personality to bring parties together and to lead a discussion about constructive, efficient alternatives to resolve conflict.

To schedule a mediation, contact Brooks at or 717-645-3112.

  • “I have been a trial lawyer for 43 years and a mediator and arbitrator for more than 35 years. I have used Brooks as a Mediator and will continue to do so. My clients and I really like his approach. He does his homework and understands the issues. I would highly recommend Brooks as a mediator or arbitrator.”

    David L. Lutz, Handler, Henning & Rosenberg

  • "Brooks handled one of my cases with a complicated fact pattern and a complex legal issue and was able to bring about a resolution that I did not think possible at the beginning of the case. He was a true leader for all parties involved during the mediation. I am looking forward to using him on future cases!"

    Abbie Trone, SCHMIDT KRAMER PC

  • "Working with Books Foland as a mediator is similar to working alongside him as a litigator. He is a professional, straight-shooter who knows the law, makes it his business to know the evidence, and as a consequence is unsurprisingly effective. I will use him again."

    Rolf Kroll, Margolis Edelstein

  • "I recently mediated a case with Brooks and he did a great job with making my client feel comfortable with the process. Agreeing to Brooks as a mediator was easy because he has conducted himself as a professional throughout his many years of practice, earning him respect from both sides of the aisle. I anticipate using Brooks again."

    Wes Addington, Esq.,